How to Study Romans

Sometimes reading or attempting to study my Bible on my own can feel intimidating, no matter how familiar the book is. So, in addition to learning together on Sunday mornings, we have the option to discuss and hear from others in smaller circles through Connect Group. I would like to give one more option for our personal study of Romans.

As you are reading through Romans, highlight all the Repeated words and list them in a notebook. For example I found the words “Good News” 7 times in chapter 1 in my NLT. Other translations may read, “the Gospel”.

When words are repeated we need to take notice to understand what is being emphasized. What is the context of the book of Romans? It is to highlight and describe the Good News of what Christ came to earth to do at the cross.
After highlighting the repeated words, go through and circle words that have similar meaning, for example in chapter 1 and 2, I noted repeated phrases,

  • “all the nations” 1:5,
  •  “all those in Rome”1:7,
  •  “all of you”1:8,
  • “All the world”1:8,
  • “Everyone of you”2:1

Paul is repeatedly emphasizing how the Good News is inclusive for all people who would believe.

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