Daily Devotion: May 22

Psalm 27:14
“Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!”
It’s been said in regards to God’s timing that He is rarely early, but never late.
God’s timing seems to be something many Christians have difficulty with.
We either think we know better or that God just doesn’t understand we are on a schedule.
Do you think God’s timing was off when He had the ram caught in the thicket as Abraham was getting ready to sacrifice his son?
Do you think God’s timing was off when He placed Esther in the kingdom as King Ahasuerus’ Queen to save the Jewish nation?
Do you think there might have been a better day than when David’s father
sent him to check on his brothers in battle than the day Goliath was badgering the Israelites?
Do you think Paul’s nephew just happened, by chance, to be in earshot to hear of the plans to kill his uncle?
What about the day you knew that Jesus was the answer to your deepest need, maybe that was after many times of hearing the gospel; are you upset that at that very moment all things fell into place? Of course not! Because of the sure mercies of God, you too were in the right place at the right time in your life to respond to God’s call. God’s timing is perfect both then and now. It was no longer your way, but Yahweh.
Who knows, maybe just maybe, God’s timing for you in someone’s life to encourage, exhort, or share the love of Christ is right around the Corner.
Are you ready for His timing?
“Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!”
It’s been said in regards to God’s timing that He is rarely early, but never late.
God’s timing seems to be something many Christians have difficulty with.
We either think we know better or that God just doesn’t understand we are on a schedule.
Do you think God’s timing was off when He had the ram caught in the thicket as Abraham was getting ready to sacrifice his son?
Do you think God’s timing was off when He placed Esther in the kingdom as King Ahasuerus’ Queen to save the Jewish nation?
Do you think there might have been a better day than when David’s father
sent him to check on his brothers in battle than the day Goliath was badgering the Israelites?
Do you think Paul’s nephew just happened, by chance, to be in earshot to hear of the plans to kill his uncle?
What about the day you knew that Jesus was the answer to your deepest need, maybe that was after many times of hearing the gospel; are you upset that at that very moment all things fell into place? Of course not! Because of the sure mercies of God, you too were in the right place at the right time in your life to respond to God’s call. God’s timing is perfect both then and now. It was no longer your way, but Yahweh.
Who knows, maybe just maybe, God’s timing for you in someone’s life to encourage, exhort, or share the love of Christ is right around the Corner.
Are you ready for His timing?
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It is so good to reflect on God's perfect timing. When times are good, I say wow. When I'm in a difficult time, the reality of God 's perfect timing helps me get through it. God IS in control and His way is so perfect. Tough experiences give me a continual building foundation cause the Lord never fails. He is so good to each of us. Our FSTHER
Correcting typo on previous comment. Our Father is in control and knows everything so it helps me to trust Him.