Colombia VBS

VBS Theme

Monday - IM
Chapel 1 Hour Service
School Project: Passport - Pick a place

Tuesday -A
Prayer Devotion: Chad
Chapel 1 Hour Service
School Project: Sports

Wednesday - G
Chapel 1 Hour Service
School Project: Make Love Gifts
Hand out Love Gifts
Wednesday Night Service: Chad

Thursday - O
VBS 1.5 Hour Service
Station 1:
Station 2:
Station 3:

No Chapel
Turn in Homework
Walk and play kids ball


Day 1 // Image of God  + Made for Relationship

Day 2 // Adopted into God's Family

Day 3 // Grow in Kindness


Day 4 //  Others Matter

Bible Teachings

Day 1 // Image of God + Made for Relationship

Day 2 // Adoption

Day 3// Grow in Kindness + Others Matter

Day 4// Others Matter

Just watch the teaching part towards the end


Faithful (English)

Faithful (Spanish)

Chasing Me (English)

Chasing Me (Spanish)

Rotation Station 1

Day 1 // Relay Pictionary

Day 2 // Race to the Middle

Day 3 // Snap, Crackle, Pop

Rotation Station 2
Snacks + Video

Rotation Station 3

Day 1 // Telescope

Day 2 // Paper Crown

Day 3 // Coloring Sheet