december 29th

Service Time 10:00am
  • Volunteer Service 9:00am
  • Elementary practice for communicators at 8:30am
  • Watch Your Ministry's Video Before Sunday
  • all volunteer update: print your name tag at check-in

NEW baby is here

Judah and Ally just had their first baby! Her name is Alma and she is a healthy baby girl! Pray for them as they take this time off to soak in their first born and also if you would like to sign up to bring them a meal, you can do so by clicking the link below.


What You Need to Know this Week


What You Need to Know for this Sunday
This Week is Prop Talk D
This week is Small Group: Week 4


Kids watch the Same video for 4 weeks


What You Need to Know for this Sunday
8:30 run-through for ALL communicators + 9:00 volunteer service for everyone! Please come!


worship - Joy

Order of Service

Middle School

What You Need to Know for this Sunday

What is S.o.a.p?

SOAP stands for:
Scripture – Read a passage of scripture and write down a verse or two that jumps out to you.
Observation – What are your personal observations that you note from this scripture?
Application – How does it now apply to your every day life? What can you do to apply this in your life today?
Prayer – Write a personal prayer based on your observation and application.

GAME - Santa Beard Challenge

Order of Service