Special Needs Ministry

Better Together

We at Calvary San Diego desire to be a welcoming place, a place that is inviting for all people. Including those with Special Needs. The Bible describes the Church as a Human Body, made up of many members, with different functions, all equal and important to the wholeness of the body. One person’s weakness may be another person’s strength. We are created and designed to help and support one another.
Joy Metzger | Better Together Director
In order for the body to be healthy we must appreciate all members. Some members have unique challenges and require extra support. Calvary Chapel San Diego is creating a partnership, entitled: Better Together. We are still in the beginning stages of learning and developing a program designed to support and encourage our members and families with special needs. We are so excited to see what God is going to teach us not only about each other, but about who He is and how He loves.  God created us to walk together, to reach out to people who need help. Please join us in prayer as we extend our collective hand to the special needs community. We believe that this ministry will benefit every participant. We truly are…Better Together